My Broken Angel

Published by Amanda Shelton under on 5:49 PM

I watched you change 
Into an Angel
I looked away
Only to find You were not what I imagined

I watched a cloud
Fade into you
It's like you never
Had wings

I know you fell
Just for me

I watched you change
I took you home
Set you in my glass jar
I pulled off your wings
Then I smiled
I watched you grow
black wing's

It's like you never
Had those wings

Though you fell
So very hard
I watched you change
like you never lived before
Now I have wings
An Angel without a cross

I look away
As I gave you the gun
You blow me away

I watched you fly
as I sat down to cry
It's like you never
Knew how much I cared

You lost your wings
As you fell
Into my jar

I watched you change
Into black wings 
I know you fell just for me 

I watched it all from my cloud
It's like you never
fell at all.

Fade Away

Published by Amanda Shelton under on 5:30 PM

The darkness begins to rise
none is save from its upraise.
it leaves the lost behind
the dead are never far behind.
now’s your chance to run or hide

I don't want to save this world
from its dead or from its damage
for everything has to decay
it’s deaths job to kill it all.
It’s my job to watch it all fade away.
I leave you now in this better cold,
in this graveyard of forgotten souls.

Be has it may
I will not bow
I will not fade for I will rise above it all.

Undertow I lie in wait
while the devil takes his stage.
I watch the Angel’s fight,
to the death with all their might.
Wing’s do die,
while Angel’s no longer fly
fallen are we who once stood taller than the tree.
Now we save our very last breath
for this moment of triumph
as trumpets begin their play.
all will fade.
fade away.

I'm Addicted To You

Published by Amanda Shelton under on 5:26 PM

I don't remember how it happened,
I let down my guard again…
Swore I'd never fall in love
never again
But I fell hard.

Guess I should have seen it coming,
the knife cut deep into my side
Caught my heart by surprise…
I couldn't see where I was going,
I fell into the black
the sea of your eyes.

You came into my little world
like a cool and cleansing breeze.
Before I, I knew what hit me
you were flowing through my veins.

I’m addicted,
Drugged by your love,
Like a powerful whirlwind
I can’t get a good breath
I can't get enough of your love,
Lost in your thickness,
Drowning in its mud
Out of control,
What can I do?
I’m addicted!

Midnight crawls in through the window,
Dances round the chambers of my heart.
You got me hypnotized,
I’m getting high on your lovers perfume.

I couldn't live without you no how no way,
Oh, I know I'll go insane,
without you and your maddening love
I wouldn't last one more night,
I can't stand this pain!

I’m addicted to your lovers game!
Hooked on your love affair,
Like a powerful drug
I can't get enough of your madness,
Lost in your blackness,
Drowning in blue
Out of control,
What can I do?
I’m addicted to your lovers affair!
I’m addicted to you!

Home | Poetry Hunters

Published by Amanda Shelton under on 11:09 AM
Home | Poetry Hunters This a forum for poets and their poetry.
I got this community up and running a while back I'm still waiting for members to post. I will give up dates on its progress.  Anyone interested in writing, poetry, and art can join.

Hearts will morn

Published by Amanda Shelton under on 12:22 PM
I can’t buy your love, don’t even want to try
but when my heart feels like it’s going to die
that’s when I tell you I can’t let this go by
I will let my heart cry morn for it’s loss
in you my tears form a river at the tip of your words
as my heart cry’s out to morn your losses
and me with the bitter taste of you
what a lover you were holding on to your losses
and me who is letting go and will remember our passing moments
as a beautiful memory

What is beauty?

Published by Amanda Shelton under on 10:08 PM
What is beauty?

A twinkle in a child’s eye ?
A rose blooming from its bud?
A tree losing it’s leaves so the cold wind won’t take it down?
A kitten nursing as the mother cleans?
A blushing bride?
A poem that takes your breath away one word at a time?
A leave turning brown after a season of green?
Or all the above?
Where all beauty is found there is life in words unspoken.

A writers goal

Published by Amanda Shelton under on 11:22 AM

Can you make people feel what you feel?
Can you make people see what you see?
Think like you think?
I'm a poet and I can make you do anything I choose
through my words I write and the way I give you my view as a poet.
I can make you cry, make you sign on high,
I can make you want something like nothing ales you ever wanted before.
I can make your ears burn and your heart beat faster
take you to the moon,
and make you think you can run faster.
From the ink in my pen to the words I write on the paper
I give you my view as a poet and a writer.
That’s my goal.


Published by Amanda Shelton under on 10:32 AM
Your heart beats to a faster pass
eyes dilate as your blood pressure rises.
Breathing becomes heavy and labored.
Senses tingle, hairs stand on end,
goosebumps rise.

Passion is wavering in the air,
leaving hearts on the floor
and lumps in your throat
you cry but one tear
from the emotion of it

You feel it moves and grows for you.
So you moan in passion from the feel of it
as it moves in your gut
in a scream of rising heat
it rose and then it settled and sat on the tip of your tong
as it kissed your passions
and gave all for the need for it
this is passion.

Words that should be in the dictionary.

Published by Amanda Shelton under on 1:40 PM
A list of words I made up.

  • Judgementlist – A mentalist of a judgement person
  • Postery – Half poetry and half prose
  • Momental – a moment of a mental fart
  • Conboaner – a con artist who gets off from coning
  • Policon - A politician in office who cons us out of our money
  • Germapoof – When germs disappear
  • Friendenemy – A friend who betrays your trust
  • Booanator  - a planed fright fest
  • Boostery – A bra that’s to tight
  • Artpoemitic – A artist and poet in one

Don’t fear the dark poets gear

Published by Amanda Shelton under on 12:55 PM
I bring you a dark poets world of the written word... Enjoy!
Poetry is an art form to me, I love to paint with my words. Bring to life my poetry giving the reader an image through my words and using a flow a rhyme and rhythm. Giving them my painted world on a canvas of paper. Line by line the world peals away to reveal its purpose and outcome.
Don’t fear the dark poets gear binding and binding so fast it is winding. Keeping minds at a ticking point and your heart beating out of your chest.
A dark poets mark a lover of night and everything that brings you a fright.

The end is getting near

Things are coming to an end
leaving you breathless, and gasping for air.
You try to hold on, and not lose what you have gained.
But your mind and soul tell you, you need to move on, but your body tells you no.
You work it to the bone and to the road of no returning
You know this it.

Things are coming to an end.
You feel in your gut, your senses tell you everyday the end is getting near.
You can hear it breathing on your neck whispering in your ear.
Death came to take my soul. He seemed nice enough so I took his hand.


Published by Amanda Shelton under on 4:49 PM
I once knew a man
He wasn't very tall
But His nose stood taller then a top hat
Or mad hatter
He was not boastful or full of pride
He never stood taller than anyone smaller
Because he felt horrible when he tried.

The apocalypse

Published by Amanda Shelton under on 11:57 AM
I see it coming
I feel its approach
My hair stands on end
and my gut shivers
the stress cuts in

I work my bones to the marrow
I’m a prisoner of my mind
I work a 5 to 9 job as
I sweat my rust

Thoughts dancing on the night sky
leaving visions in my eye
This is it, the apocalypse
oceans rise,
the ground quakes
shy’s bleed
minds grow.
We need to go.

Drum roll
a chorus line
leaving souls on the line
This is it, the apocalypse
and we all die
but this is but a dream
a waking mind
an eye-opening from a dreaming time.
a dream with in a dream

The lovers that hang from the sycamore trees

Published by Amanda Shelton under on 8:55 PM
I watched your heart go out in a blaze
in a wave of dying embers
I left your heart to waver on the wind
ash’s to ash’s
I leave you in the dust
tears making hearts turn to rust
as time ticks by
love dies
and lovers cry
All passions run away
with river deep and a Devils pride
gray trees have no hearts
and the sycamore tree leaves nothing but white ash
as a heart bleeds
It ran like a velvety bleeding cake.
Dripping and oozing
on the floor.
Heart lingers once more on the limb of the sycamore tree.
White ash is a tree that ones had bark of brown and green.
Bleed for me my lost lovers heart.
As your lips no longer kiss my own.
Such lovers are these,
that hang from the sycamore trees.

Lingering on a moment of a passionate taste

Published by Amanda Shelton under on 7:26 PM
Love in a hopeless place
a time of wanting and waiting
moments of gold and shimmer
Puff of reality a smoky haze lingering on the air
We found love there
where no one dear

Falling deep into a golden time
a drop of passion in a river of gloden times
we found love in a hopeless place
Shower us with diamonds and a lovers grace
Passions rise in a smoky haze
lingering on a moment of a passionate taste

Behind dreaming eyes

Published by Amanda Shelton under on 7:22 PM
Close your eyes
a sleep many know
a time of make-believe
wishes yet to be made
Behind dreaming eyes
sleeping behind such eyes as mine
a baby learning to walk in hourglass time
A mirror of ourselves, a copy, a dream;
We are all this and more
behind such eyes
that dream
that wish
that writes books for every eye to read
Dreaming behind such eyes
as these
a dreamer behind such eyes
as mine and thin own make-believe
behind such eyes
as these
dreaming dreams that need not be
behind such eyes
as these
make-believe is a sight all children have and need
behind such eyes
as these
monsters abound
behind such eyes
as these
a child
a dreamer
a wisher of such
behind dreaming eyes
as these

Hell freezes

Published by Amanda Shelton under on 6:54 PM

When the days go cold
The nights go stale
Gods turn to dust
and heaven rains gold

Hell freezes
and Demons stand
Fight to the end
With Angel dust
and bloody veins pumping rust

Keep in tune as you must
Hell freezes once
and nevermore
Angels fight from heavens door

Hell freezes only once
keep the tune and clean the rust
Hell freezes
and demons stand
But Angels await at heavens gate

Yield ye old soul give they heart and gold
and be greedy not at heavens door

After forever

Published by Amanda Shelton under on 6:43 PM

After forever
hearts abound
cracks are healed
and the curtains gone down
hearts seek what can’t be found
after forever
an apples been bitten
and the poisons been given
tears from the broken
and hearts without a token
after forever
there’s no more I love you’s
and no more I hate you’s
to be
given around
for after forever
there’s no more
to be given
a heart is a mortal vessel waiting for its demise
waiting for a passionate savior of the broken-hearted
after forever
all hearts are on the table
given up to a fests of plenty
as lovers go off into the sunset
after forever
lovers abound
and no more broken hearts are to be found

I’m a work in progress

Published by Amanda Shelton under on 10:00 PM
A work in progress that’s what I am. 
My paintings steel being processed in a painters mind, 
dripping paint onto a canvas of mine. 
An image waiting to be processed over time 
Black and white, 
yellow and green. 
Who knows how this will turn out? 
I’m not perfect not at all you see. 
I’m a work in progress. 
I’m roughly drawn around the edges, 
waiting for my colors to fall in. 
I’m a work in progress, 
waiting for my frame work; 
heavy duty it will be 
so I’ll stand up to all weather you see. 
I’m a work in progress for all to see


Published by Amanda Shelton under on 9:53 PM
How many times do I have to tell you 
I’m sorry for the things I’v done 
Just don’t feel sorry for this better hearted woman 
But when I start to try to tell you 
my heart sinks to the bottom of my belly 
That’s when you try to console me 
But our trouble’s only just begun 
I tell myself too many times 
Why don’t I learn to love myself? 
That’s why it hurts so bad to know those words 
will sting 
That keep on falling from your mouth 
I’m Falling 
I’m Falling 
Tell me… 
Do I have the need to hurt you so 
taking another piece of your heart 
Such passions are these that fall apart landing in my lap 
you look with a weary heart 
a tear falls and a breath is taken 
such passions are these that tough my lips and my sinful soul 
but steal you take a dip and drink from it steal 
a full glass a cupful 
Do I have the need to hurt for you? 
Should I die a weary death and the angles take my last breath 
these are moments I will not regret 
Such passions are these that leave us yet 
No one knows what our tow hearts have taken 
taking a dip and drink from it yet 
Sinful souls and a heartfelt dip we drink for it yet 
and leave empty-handed and our glasses tipped loosing it’s luster 
it’s leftover shimmer 
Do I need to hate or love you? 
I know we argue and I know we fight 
but really can our love win this fight? 
Our love is like a Knight with a sword and shield 
protecting its weakened crust 
Do I have the need to be broken 
I’v shattered into a million pieces 
leaving you to pick up my pieces 
don’t think I changed my mind 
for Hun.. 
I knew in due time you would see my broken rhyme 
Do I have the need to ask? 
Will my heart ever mend and be whole once again?

Lady Songbird

Published by Amanda Shelton under on 11:43 AM
Lady songbird singing on high
her song brings visitors from far and wide,
she sings so tender, sweet, and mild
she has a voice of angel like zing
bringing a mood that makes you want to sing
she has no enemy, no demon on her back
for her song is too gentle for such an attack
you would think when you hear her
that the heavens above well open and angels well descend
but all the crowd can do is shed a tear
for her song brings it to the surface for all to hear

Lady songbird bring me my tender song, bring me my tear, and my angel like song

From Our Community Poet We Are:

A navigator to my heart

Published by Amanda Shelton under on 11:42 AM
Be my Mars my traveler from the stars.
A navigator to my heart to all my passions,
and run away starts.
Be all I want and all I need.
Keep my stars shining in my eyes,
from their beginnings,
and my heart.

I have had my moment with sadness him self

Published by Amanda Shelton under on 4:54 PM

I have sat with sadness in tears
I have shared my sorrows in his presents
I do not share my woes with just anyone
for I have had my moments with sadness himself
eat at his table shared a toast with his friends
opened my heart to his arms fought by his side for my own happiness
that I fought so long that I lost all track of the time
I cannot remember my happy times for they ran away so long ago
seeking out someone who has no woe
and no means to lose their heart to sadness
and toss away everything they hold so near to them self's
to the side and forget that it's even there

My black-hole sun has come to take me away

Published by Amanda Shelton under on 3:18 PM
 My black-hole sun has come to take me away
I live in a world full of ache and pain
My pills no longer work
My head is full of regrets 
leaving me on the floor broken and bleeding
I should have no regrets
And yet no pill can make this go away

My black-hole sun has come to take me away
I need to deal without aide 
Find my way and be my own guide
But my black-hole sun has come to take me away
I leave this world in a blaze of heat and flame 

My black-hole sun has come to take me away
I leave with no regrets and an empty conscious
My  flame will never go out


In fire and ice

Published by Amanda Shelton under on 3:35 PM

In fire and ice I pack you're heart, 
keeping it fresh and from falling a part. 
I keep it tender,sweet and mild, 
knowing one day I will make you smile 
I give you my tender,sweet,and mild ways 
I give you a tear and I send you on your way. 

Its chocolate (OPTIONAL) or life

Published by Amanda Shelton under on 3:06 PM

live in a box and you’er stuck.
Eat chocolate and it tastes so sweet.
Life is a box of chocolates.
But life ones tasted so sweet the chocolate melted in you’er mouth not in your hand.
Leaving you sticky and sweet, but once it hit you’er tongue the taste stayed for so long because it lingered on you’er sweet tooth.
You knew in the end what you wanted,
so the chocolate never tasted so sweet and life ended with just that.

Think about this “you’er living in a shoe box and walking in my shoes.”
“Leave no road not taken.”

(Forgive me if there are typos) o_O*

Chemical imbalance

Published by Amanda Shelton under on 2:46 PM

My memory is flawed,
my reality is not my own.
I can not chose what I see and hear,
for what I believe is real is not always true.

My mind is lost to a chemical imbalance I was born with;
Can I trust my thoughts, my believes?
Can I live in what society has set to be reality and true?
I ask you this because I'm not sure
and how can I be if it's not always true?

Isaiah 55:8-9

Published by Amanda Shelton under on 2:42 PM
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."   Isaiah 55:8-9

A sobering moment

Published by Amanda Shelton under on 12:34 PM
I think we all need a sobering moment at lets ones in our self endearing lives.
A sobering moment
A sobering thought
A sobering word
Brings to mind my failures and wrong doings
Will I learn?
Have I learned?
A sobering moment
A sobering thought
A sobering word
Brings me to a condition of regret
Will I stay sober?
I'm not sober?
A sobering moment
A sobering thought
A sobering word
These sobering moments are enough to make me sick, but not enough to regret my wrong doings.
I did learn in the end!


Our lingering Taste of passion

Published by Amanda Shelton under on 12:00 PM

Darling can you hear the beating of my heart,
as you lay upon my chest, fingers locked together.
I feel the warmth of your breath caressing my neck.
Our embracing moment has left a lingering taste of passion in my mouth.

I won’t forget our moments we share;
for our passions run like the river runs down the mountains.
I can see my reflection in your eyes,
see your soul leap for joy as I look deep into the portal of your soul.
There I will bring you a kiss an embracing of our lips,
eyes closed in a moment of passion.
Moments for gotten in words unspoken,
but only remembered by your taste that lingers so.

My first love

Published by Amanda Shelton under on 6:40 PM

There was that moment when I saw him,
that moment lasted so long in my vision.
My world became a heart beat and nothing else.
He came by me and I became shy.
He tried to talk to me I stammered and strained.
He made me lose all my sanity and free well.
I felt I needed him to know.
So I told him in a letter.
He came back to me to say, "his heart would belong to me".

He was there to stay but as time would have it,
he ended up passing away.
My heart was broken and my world was shredded.
But as time went on my heart has mended,
and my wounds have healed.
I found my second love and he gives me all the love I needed.

I loved you and I loved you well

Published by Amanda Shelton under on 6:30 PM

Love me not or love me well.
Take my heart, or take my soul.
But know this and lesson well.
My heart shaped box has no key.
No lock to keep my love safe.
So my heart is not guarded by lock and key.
It may not be safe for me and you.
Keeping this all in mind.
You steel try to take your time;
to find your place in my heart shaped box.
But yet a robber has taken what you left behind.
Broken our seal or lovers coding.
Now our hearts are left bleeding, crying, dying, and in need.
Though I loved you and I loved you well.

Make your move before I’m gone

Published by Amanda Shelton under on 6:16 PM

I need you,
I need your smile,
your eyes on only me.
Making me your only girl in the world.
Making me smile, laugh,
and wanting your every move, touch,
and breath.
But yet only a kiss can seal our bond,
so make your move before I’m gone.

Mother earth

Published by Amanda Shelton under on 6:01 PM

Mother earth sighs
as she opens her eyes
behind the blue of the sky where the stars shine
as she opens her hands to reveals the moon
she takes the time to keep the planet's all in tune

My demons have come to hang around

Published by Amanda Shelton under on 5:58 PM

These times call for shutting down
leaving nothing
but empty thoughts and empty meaning
I think I might find another way
survival is left in my thoughts
my demons have come to hang around
leaving impure things
leaving sinful thoughts
I think I might find another way
survival is left in my thoughts
I have no choice
I will die if I don’t try
my demons has given me no choice
I will fight to survive
and my demons better be ready to die.

The end is getting near

Published by Amanda Shelton under on 5:55 PM

Things are coming to an end
leaving me breathless, and gasping for air.
I try to hold on, and not lose what I have gained.
But my mind and soul tell me I need to move on, and my body tells me no.
I work it to the bone and to the road of no returning
but I know this, things are coming to an end.
I know in my gut and my senses tell me everyday the end is getting near.
I can hear it breathing on my neck and whispering in my ear.
And it says: "keep your peace and know no pain for here I am, I am the end to all who are old and aging. I can smell it in the air"

Death came to take my soul. He seemed nice enough so I took his hand 

The way you understood

Published by Amanda Shelton under on 5:51 PM

For all the times I never saw the things I should have,
I thank you for all the times you understood,
our deepest feelings never taken away for they live in words unspoken.
In some long ago time softly and from afar I loved you
and you never new.
Some meetings are fashioned by chance ours was a gift of just.
Thank you for sharing my hopes and hurts.
Thank you for all of the kind words that touched my heart.

My hearts decay

Published by Amanda Shelton under on 5:29 PM

Can you feel what my heart feels for you?
I seek what I can not have, leaving my heart bitter and without.

I can't pick up my heart off the ground in front of my feet,
it has gone rotten and started to decay.
I can see the bugs all ready coming to eat all of it away.
Digging and eating what is left of my bitter heart.
Leaving nothing in it's place.
Knowing my heart has but moments left.
I cover it with my own dismay,
and with it's last beat I see my own decay,
and bitterness I wish would not stay.

Thy roses

Published by Amanda Shelton under on 5:27 PM

Thy roses smell so sweetly,
and look so beautifully,
and thy hand touches them so sweetly.
With a soft and gentle touch you leave with just a look.

Your Fingertips

Published by Amanda Shelton under on 5:20 PM
Your name is on my lips, 
the soft touch of your fingertips. 
Like the sweetest tasting wine your mouth leaves behind. 
Your hands are big but soft to the touch. 
You gently touch my cheek as I fall into bliss. 



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